Compensation - The CTFO Income Building Options
Changing the Future Outcome Compensation Plan
Changing the Future Outcome combines direct retail commissions with unilevel and matrix residuals.
Additional performance and rank-based bonuses are also on offer.
Note that the commission percentages provided below are paid out on commissionable volume, not the retail value of products purchased or sold.
Changing the Future Outcome Affiliate Ranks
There are eleven affiliate ranks within the Changing the Future Outcome compensation plan.
Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:
- Affiliate – sign up as a free Changing the Future Outcome affiliate
- 1st Level Manager – recruit and maintain at least one MLM commission qualified affiliate or retail customer who purchases at least $47.47 a month
- 2nd Level Manager – recruit and maintain at least two MLM commission qualified affiliates and/or retail customers who purchase at least $47.47 a month each
- Senior Manager – recruit and maintain at least three MLM commission qualified affiliates and/or retail customers who purchase at least $47.47 a month each
- Executive Manager – recruit and maintain at least four MLM commission qualified affiliates and/or retail customers who purchase at least $47.47 a month each
- Vice President – recruit and maintain at least five MLM commission qualified affiliates and/or retail customers who purchase at least $47.47 a month each, and generate at least $25,000 in downline sales volume over a rolling 4-week period
- Senior Vice President – maintain at least five MLM commission qualified affiliates and/or retail customers who purchase at least $47.47 a month each, and generate at least $50,000 in downline sales volume over a rolling 4-week period
- Executive Vice President – maintain at least five MLM commission qualified affiliates and/or retail customers who purchase at least $47.47 a month each, and generate at least $100,000 in downline sales volume over a rolling 4-week period
- Presidential Director – maintain at least two other MLM commission qualified affiliates and/or retail customers who purchase at least $47.47 a month each, you also need to have three directly or indirectly recruited Executive Vice Presidents (one in three separate unilevel team legs)
- Senior Presidential Director – maintain at least two other MLM commission qualified affiliates and/or retail customers who purchase at least $47.47 a month each, you also need to have three directly or indirectly recruited Presidential Directors (one in three separate unilevel team legs)
- Executive Presidential Director – maintain at least two other MLM commission qualified affiliates and/or retail customers who purchase at least $47.47 a month each, you also need to have three directly or indirectly recruited Senior Presidential Directors (one in three separate unilevel team legs)
- Top Gun – maintain at least two other MLM commission qualified affiliates and/or retail customers who purchase at least $47.47 a month each, you also need to have three directly or indirectly recruited Executive Presidential Directors (one in three separate unilevel team legs)
Retail Commissions
Changing the Future Outcome pay a flat 20% commission retail orders.
There doesn’t appear to be any difference between retail customers and affiliates with respect to retail commissions.
Both Changing the Future Outcome retail customers and affiliates are given an online storefront, through which they can earn 20% retail commissions through.
MLM Commissions
To qualify for MLM commissions, a Changing the Future Outcome affiliate must either
- spend $47.47 a month on Changing the Future Outcome products or
- recruit/enroll and maintain at least ten affiliates/retail customers
With option two, retail customers must be spending $47.47 a month each and recruited affiliates must they themselves be MLM commission qualified to count.
Residual Unilevel Commissions
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretically infinite number of levels.
Changing the Future Outcome cap payable unilevel levels at five.
Residual commissions are paid out as a percentage of commissionable volume generated across these five levels as follows:
- level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 20%
- levels 2 to 5 – 4%
How many levels a Changing the Future Outcome affiliate earns on is determined by the following qualification criteria:
- sign up as an affiliate = residual commissions on level 1
- recruit and maintain two MLM commission qualified affiliates = residual commissions on levels 1 and 2
- recruit and maintain three MLM commission qualified affiliates = residual commissions on levels 1 to 3
- recruit and maintain four MLM commission qualified affiliates = residual commissions on levels 1 to 4
- recruit and maintain five MLM commission qualified affiliates and have a downline generating $25,000 in sales volume a month = residual commissions on levels 1 to 5
Residual Matrix Commissions
Changing the Future Outcome pays matrix commissions via a 3×21 matrix.
A 3×21 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them:
These three positions make up the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first three positions into another three positions each (9 positions).
Levels three to twenty-one of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing three times as many positions as the previous level.
Positions in the matrix are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of Changing the Future Outcome affiliates.
Commissions are paid as a percentage of sales volume generated across twenty-one matrix levels as follows:
- levels 1 to 5 – 1%
- levels 6 and 7 – 10%
- levels 8 to 21 – 1%
Note that Changing the Future Outcome affiliates don’t earn full matrix commissions off the bat.
Matrix commissions are qualified for in sequential order as follows:
- recruit and maintain one MLM commission qualified affiliate = 25% of payable matrix commissions across levels 1 to 7
- recruit and maintain two MLM commission qualified affiliates = 50% of payable matrix commissions across levels 1 to 7
- recruit and maintain three MLM commission qualified affiliates = 100% of payable matrix commissions across levels 1 to 7
- recruit and maintain four MLM commission qualified affiliates = 100% of payable matrix commissions across levels 1 to 14
- recruit and maintain five MLM commission qualified affiliates = 100% of payable matrix commissions across all 21 levels
Additional Matrix Positions
Changing the Future Outcome reward affiliates with additional matrix positions, effectively allowing them to earn beyond the first twenty-one levels of their matrix.
After a Chewing the Future Outcome affiliate recruits three affiliates, every recruited affiliate thereafter generates them a new position in their matrix.
This new position is placed directly above the newly recruited affiliate, placing them in the first level of the newly created matrix.
Additional matrices generated by additional positions fill in tandem with an affiliate’s original matrix.
Commission payouts on additional position matrices are the same as the original matrix (see “residual matrix commissions” above).
Infinity Bonus Pool
Vice President and higher ranked Changing the Future Outcome affiliates qualify for the Infinity Bonus Pool.
The Infinity Bonus Pool is a bonus percentage paid on unilevel team volume.
Whereas residual uni-level commissions are capped at five levels, however, the Infinity Bonus pays on entire team volume (no level cap).
- Vice Presidents receive a 4% Infinity Bonus Pool rate
- Senior Vice Presidents receive an 8% Infinity Bonus Pool rate
- Executive Vice Presidents receive a 12% Infinity Bonus Pool rate
- Presidential Directors receive a 13.75% Infinity Bonus Pool rate
- Senior Presidential Directors receive a 15.5% Infinity Bonus Pool rate
- Executive Presidential Directors receive a 19% Infinity Bonus Pool rate
- Top Guns receive a 19% Infinity Bonus Pool rate
Note that the Infinity Bonus Pool is a coded bonus.
This means that when an affiliate in a Changing the Future Outcome affiliate’s matrix qualifies for the bonus, instead of receiving the full Infinity Bonus Pool, they will receive the difference between what is paid at that affiliate’s rank and their own.
If both affiliates are at the same rank, the upline affiliate forfeits the Infinity Bonus Pool on unilevel team volume under that affiliate.
Top Gun Bonus Pool
Changing the Future Outcome places 6% of company-wide sales volume and places it into the Top Gun Bonus Pool.
Top Gun ranked affiliates receive an equal share of the Top Gun Bonus Pool.
How often the Top Gun Bonus Pool is shared out is not clarified in the Changing the Future Outcome compensation plan.